The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Diocesan Council of San Diego Vehicle Donation Program
Donate a car, truck, motorcycle, or even a boat to The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Diocesan Council of San Diego and help us in continuing to offer services to individuals in need. Our members come from all walks of life, but all of us are blessed with an awareness that our blessings (time, talent or treasure) are to be shared with our brothers and sisters in need.
Donating a vehicle is easy, and your gift qualifies for a tax deduction too! Simply call us toll-free or complete the form, and we’ll pick up your vehicle for free at a time that works best for you. Our ministry is financed by charitable donations, like yours, from local parishioners and others who share in our concern for the needs of the poor.
We accept all types of vehicles: